23 февраля 2003

модный американский анекдот (оттуда же :)

Joe Smith started the day early having set his alarm clock (made in
China) for 6 a.m.
While his coffeepot (made in China) was perking, he
shaved with his electric razor (made in Hong Kong).
He put on a shirt (made in Sri Lanka),
designer jeans (made in Singapore)
and tennis shoes (made in Korea).
After cooking his breakfast in his electric skillet (made in India),
he sat down with his calculator (made in
to check his budget for the day. After setting his watch (made
in Taiwan)
to the radio (made in India)
he got in his car (made in Japan)
and continued his search for an AMERICAN job. At the end of yet
another discouraging and fruitless day, Joe decided to relax. He put
on his sandals (made in Brazil),
poured himself a glass of wine (made in Chile),
turned on his TV (made in Indonesia)
and wondered why he cannot find a job in America.

Анекдот анекдотом, но можно проводить параллели и на нащу жизнь. Напечатано на моей любимой испытавшей много клаве Mitsumi (made in Malaysia), верной не раз чищеной мыши Genius (made in China) и слушая музыку из модных сегодня купленных наушников Cosonic CD750 (зроблено у Китаї), находясь в помещении фабрики, которая некогдв делала прекрасные усилители и наушники (конечно скажете неправда, но дома у меня еще до сих пор все работает 8)

всех с екс-днем защитника екс-Отечества.

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Архив блога

What to do?

you have site designed in a dark theme, saying dark background, white font.
By default google toolbar autocomplete cracks html for inputs or selects containg "email" "name" "address" and other buzzwords and changes background to yellow. As a result when visitor fills form, he enters text as white on yellow and can not easy validate his input
What to do?



item http://www.voronenko.com/2003/02/blog-post_1387.html